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February 13, 2017
8 yearsago

Dentist Greenwich CT discuss: an ankylosed tooth

An ankylosed tooth is the tooth that is directly fused with the jaw bone. Having this tooth results in the condition called “Dental Ankylosis”, an abnormal condition of a solid, fixated tooth root to the bone. This condition usually occurs in time of the emergence of the secondary teeth. It is commonly observed in children.

How Does an Ankylosed Tooth Form?

Normally, there is a gum tissue, which is called as “periodontal ligament”, around the roots of a tooth. This gum tissue is made up of fibers that hold the tooth so that it securely remains in the dental socket. Also, periodontal ligament is supposed to wrap the tooth root so that it doesn’t touch the bone.

Ankylosis happens when the root and the bone touch as a bridge of material called “cementum” starts to form along the gum tissue. This will create a link between the root and the bone.

Dental Issues That Come Along

  1. Tipping Of Erupting Teeth

    Ankylosis causes the ankylosed tooth to stop erupting and to stay in the same place in the same position while the other neighboring teeth on each of its side grow. As these neighboring teeth erupt, they will eventually tip with the unmoving ankylosed tooth.

  2. Displacement of Permanent Tooth

    If the ankylosed tooth happens to be a primary tooth, it will end up displacing the secondary and permanent tooth, keeping the new tooth from erupting.

  3. Impaction

    Ankylosis can also reduce the space needed for the eruption of the permanent tooth. This eventually results to an impaction, a condition where a tooth fails to erupt.

What to Do About the Problem?

In most cases, a dentist or an orthodontist will try to let the permanent tooth erupt. However, if ankylosed tooth has still not exfoliated after a given period of time, it will need to be forcibly removed. This is where the removal of the ankylosed tooth is done.

February 13, 2017
8 yearsago

Westchester NY Dentist Disucss the topic: Caring for your Kid’s Teeth

You may already know that one of the best ways of preventing cavities is through a healthy diet, regular brushing, and visiting a dentist. However, dental experts suggest that many parents fail when handling the dental health of their kids. This can be noted from the fact that around 42% of kids aged between 2 and 4 suffer from cavities in their baby teeth. Here are some of the greatest mistakes that parents make that are the cause of these cavities.

Allowing their kids to brush alone

Most kids do not have motors skills that should enable them to brush in an effective way until they reach 8 years. This is why it is important to supervise them while brushing and ensure that they clean every surface of their tooth.

Allowing their baby to sleep with a bottle

This is one of the easiest ways of causing tooth decay. This could be through giving babies a sippy cup the whole day or a bottle when putting them to sleep. The downside of this habit is that it keeps the bacteria and sugar levels in the mouth high throughout the day.

Delaying the first dentist appointment

Dentists say that they regularly treat kids aged between 2 and 3 years for infection and cavities. The explanation for this is that parents do not take their children to a dentist early enough. It is advisable to take the kids to a dentist immediately after the eruption of the first tooth. This should be followed by regular visits after every 6 months.

Offering healthy but sticky foods

Whole-grain crackers, raisins, and bananas are healthy foods, but they also contain lots of sugars and tend to stick on the teeth creating cavities. Ensure that your child brush their teeth after consuming these foods.

Ignoring cavities

Many parents consider treating a cavity to be one easy fix. However, cavities can affect your kid for their entire lifetime. When a cavity is infected, this can negatively affect the development of adult teeth.

January 13, 2017
8 yearsago

Westchester NY Dentist discusses the benefits of Mouth Guard

A mouth guard, also known as mouth protector, is a flexible covering worn over teeth to provide protection against impact or other injuries. It is often worn by athletes during their games or those suffering from bruxism or teeth grinding. The mouth guard usually covers the upper teeth. However, those with a protruding jaw or those who wear braces, retainers, and other dentures may wear it on their lower teeth.

The benefits of wearing a mouth guard are the following:

  1. Protection for the teeth

    The number one reason why mouth guards are worn is to protect the teeth from damage. In contact sports, a blow to the mouth is not uncommon. When this happens, the force of the impact is absorbed by teeth or jaw. The impact can cause tooth fracture, tooth dislodgement, or damage to the existing dental work such as dental crowns, bridges, porcelain veneers, etc.

    A sports mouth guard can help dissipate the force of impact. Its spongy quality helps absorb the energy of the blow while its stiffness distributes the energy of a traumatic force over a larger area. These effects will lessen the load on each tooth, thus, reduces the probability of any tooth damage.

  2. Protection of the Soft Tissues such as Lips, Cheeks, and Gums

    The mouth guard also protects the soft tissues of the mouth by the similar way it does when protecting the teeth. The mouth guard absorbs most of the traumatic blow, therefore, less energy is only left to impact the soft tissues.

  3. Protection of the Jaw

    A blow on the mouth might not only damage the teeth but also cause brain injury. Mouth guards help prevent this by serving as a shock absorber and by hampering the hinge of the lower jaw from being pushed into the base of the brain during impact.

  4. Psychological Benefit

    There is a psychological benefit of wearing mouth guard, and that is to make athletes more aggressive knowing any blow to the mouth will not cause much injury.

    Mouth guards are an essential protective gear for athletes offering protection of the teeth. Moreover, Mouth guards also help those people with bruxism in preserving their teeth.

January 13, 2017
8 yearsago

Dentist near Greenwich CT

A person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease may forget how to do regular tasks including hygiene including tooth brushing. However, families and friends can help assist the issue. Proper oral hygiene is important to prevent issues with eating, digestion, and other infections, in particular for people who are prone to forgetting this important health routine.

Steps in Oral Care

If you have a family member with Alzheimer, here are some dental tips that you can apply:

  1. Floss at least once a day

    • It can be done by having a floss holder. There are also special sticks or picks that can be good alternatives.
    • The family dentist can even provide anti-microbial solutions for the gums while using floss.
  2. Brush twice a day

    • Look for a toothbrush that is manageable by the patient and that is easy for others to use as well if in case the patient needs assistance.
    • Consult the dentist if fluoride is okay for the patient.
  3. Schedule monthly inspections

    • Get a list of watch outs from the dentist and how to get rid of it.
    • If in any case, there are dental issues found like swollen gums, see a dentist immediately.
  4. Clean after every meal

    • Gently brush the gums using a toothbrush with soft bristles.
    • The patient’s dentures should be cleaned after every meal to prevent cavities
    • Check the mouth of the patient if there are any food remaining; sometimes they cannot swallow well. Hence, it is important to check after every meal.
  5. Regular Visits

    • Schedule a dental visit even at the start of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.
    • Have a list of the patient’s medications taken currently to inform the dentist. This helps him/her proceed with the further checks.
    • For any difficulty or pain, go to the dentist as soon as possible.

Indeed, Alzheimer’s is a difficult illness to handle. Aside from physical assistance, the patient is really in need of care and utmost attention. Hence, cooperation is significant to help in the patient’s dental condition.

December 13, 2016
8 yearsago

Dental options for Seniors with few teeth left

Seniors have special dental care needs. Most of the time, they have some or most of their teeth missing. In addition, their gums are usually in poor shape.

However, this does not mean that they no longer need to see a dentist, they actually have more or a reason to visit one and regularly too in order for them to save the remaining teeth they have.

The following are the most common dental options for seniors with only a few teeth left:

  1. Bridges

    Dental bridges are appliances that replace missing teeth. They are fixed in place and can no longer be removed.

    There are three main kinds of dental bridges:

    • Traditional bridges

      A crown is created on either side of the missing tooth, with an artificial tooth or pontic in between. These are usually made out of porcelain. They are usually the preferred option because they look like natural teeth.

    • Cantilever bridges

      These are used when there are adjacent teeth on the same side as the missing tooth or teeth. These are not commonly used as they put too much force on the existing teeth and could damage them.

    • Maryland bonded bridges

      These are also made of porcelain and are fused to metal or plastic teeth and gums. They are bonded to your existing teeth.

  2. Dental Implants

    If money is not an issue, dental implants are really the best choice. They look like your natural teeth and can last for the rest of your life if properly cared for.

    However, this may not be a viable option for some seniors as their gums or the bones in their jaws can no longer support a dental implant. Additionally, they may not have that many years left to justify the cost of a dental implant.

  3. Dentures

    These are removable dental appliances which are used to replace both missing teeth and their surround tissue and gums. They are made to look like natural teeth and make you appear to have a perfect smile.

    There are 2 types of dentures:

    • Complete dentures
    • Partial dentures
December 13, 2016
8 yearsago

Dentist in Greenwich, CT offers gum disease treatment

When conditions such as periodontal disease have developed within the smile, it is important for patients to be proactive and speak to a dentist as soon as possible. This allows them to get a proper diagnosis as to which stage the condition has reached, which then allows them to develop an appropriate treatment plan to combat the infection. Patients in the Greenwich, CT area who are seeking a dentist for their smile are encouraged to call Chester Hill Dental Associates.

Periodontal disease, sometimes referred to as gum disease, is an infection of the mouth. It starts out in the gum tissues but then spreads. All areas of the mouth are affected including the soft tissues, the teeth, and the bone of the jaw. This condition is completely preventable with proper oral health care habits, and once it has developed, it cannot be cured. However, with the help of a dental professional, patients can reduce the infection and control the condition as much as possible—keeping it from spreading and becoming even more detrimental to the health of the smile.

Periodontal disease comes in various stages. The earlier stage, called gingivitis, is the easiest to treat. It often requires a thorough cleaning of the gums and teeth. However, if the condition has been left to progress further, it may reach the stages of periodontitis, during which antibiotics may need to be integrated into the treatment plan. A procedure called scaling and root planing may also be suggested as a way to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from all surfaces of the teeth, including the roots. This is a more invasive procedure.

Drs. Chi D. Fu and Kay T. Oen of Chester Hill Dental Associates, PLLC encourages patients to be proactive about their oral health and wellness. When problems such as periodontal disease are present, it is essential that patients see their dental professional as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and to discuss treatment options. The practice is conveniently located at 150 Purchase Street, Suite 1 and can be reached by phone at (914) 939-2132.

November 13, 2016
8 yearsago

Rye, NY Area Dentist Describes the Differences Between Porcelain Veneers and Lumineers

Patients who are interested in visiting a dentist in the Rye, NY area who offers cosmetic dentistry solutions for unattractive teeth are encouraged to visit the practice of Chester Hill Dentistry. Drs. Chi Fu and Kay Oen provide patients with ways to address imperfections that may negatively affect the appearance of the smile. This includes the chance to cover areas of the smile with porcelain veneers or Lumineers.

Both porcelain veneers and Lumineers are types of ceramic facings meant to bond over the front of a tooth to cover up imperfections or change the overall appearance. These facings are opaque but look like natural tooth enamel. They provide a natural-looking way of addressing areas of the smile that need to be improved. However, there are some differences between the two that patients need to understand before choosing one for their smile.

Porcelain veneers are thicker than Lumineers, and require the removal of some natural tooth enamel to place without adding unwanted bulk. Because of this, the treatment is not reversible. Patients will experience permanent changes to their natural teeth for the replacement of veneers. Lumineers, on the other hand, are much thinner. Because of this, there is no need to file down the tooth to remove enamel. This makes them removable later on down the road if patients change their mind on treatment.

Lumineers and porcelain veneers have their benefits, and patients should consult with their dental team to determine which one is right for their specific needs. A consultation appointment is just a phone call away and can educate patients on the treatment as well as which is most appropriate.

At Chester Hill Dentistry, we want patients to have access to some of the latest and greatest dental techniques available. This includes the ability to choose between traditional porcelain veneers and Lumineers. Our practice is conveniently located at 150 Purchase Street, Suite 1 in Rye, NY and can be reached by calling (914) 939-2132 to schedule a consultation appointment. Drs. Chi Fu and Kay Oen regularly accept new and existing patients into their practice to encourage lifelong beautiful, healthy smiles!

November 13, 2016
8 yearsago

Dentist Greenwich CT discusses the damage nuts can cause to teeth.

As the season of dry fruits arrives, none can be more scintillating and delicious than the wide variety of dry nuts at our disposal. But have you considered the jeopardy and harm against which you are exposing your teeth? While this may seem an exaggerated statement, despite the goodness and wholesomeness of dry nuts for health, this fruit can be typically devastating to your teeth.

The problem does not lie with the inner soft, juicy, and tasty fruit, but the outer hardcore shell. Unfortunately, most people have this habit of breaking a nut’s shell with their teeth, instead of breaking it with other solid material, such as a small hammer or nutcracker. The force and the shock of a sudden breaking of the shell puts much strain and pressure on our tooth nerves and can shatter its enamel.

People who use their teeth as tools to break or rip apart hard materials are likely to suffer from tooth fracture or weak tooth. This happens because our teeth are not made for tasks which involve ripping or breaking apart hard materials. Teeth are made to chew soft food and it is best if we confine them to this use only. It is not only limited to breaking up a nut’s shell but many people also directly use their teeth in doing things like:

  • Chewing and breaking ice cubes
  • Opening bottle caps
  • Opening packages by ripping them apart via teeth

The latest studies and professional dentist’s all around the world are in agreement that such bad habits may cause severe damage, and could even break or crack the tooth. In the case a tooth is fractured, the tooth nerve may also become infected by germs and could result in a root canal. The patient may also need to replace the tooth completely by getting help from a cosmetic dentistry solution.

So, to avoid such a scenario, make sure that this year while you enjoy a huge appetite of hard dry fruits, avoid using your teeth to break off the shells and use some other solid material in their place. Remember, ensuring healthy dental habits is your responsibility so adhere fully to it, for your own benefit and safety.

October 13, 2016
8 yearsago

Cosmetic dentist explains the differences of porcelain veneers and Lumineers to Rye, NY area patients

Patients in the Rye, NY area seeking a dentist who provides a variety of cosmetic procedures are welcome to book a visit with the staff at Chester Hill Dental Associates, PLLC. Drs. Chi Fu and Kay Oen are two dentists in the area who offer a wide range of treatments at their practice for patients who want to enhance their smiles. From professional teeth whitening to extensive smile rehabilitation, they provide it all. They are also excited to offer patients solutions such as porcelain veneers and Lumineers.

Porcelain veneers and Lumineers are both types of veneers that are used to disguise problems within the smile. These are facings bonded to the front of a tooth for optimum coverage. Concerns such as gaps between teeth, broken teeth, or teeth that are misaligned are easily resolved with the use of veneers. Drs. Chi Fu and Kay Oen are proud to offer both varieties for patients and help them understand the different.

The primary difference between traditional porcelain veneers and Lumineers is the amount of tooth structure removed for the placement. Conventional veneers require the removal of enamel from the front of the tooth before impressions are taken. This eliminates added bulk to the teeth when the veneers are bonded in place. However, Lumineers are extremely thin and do not require preparation of the tooth. This means not only does the patient get to maintain their natural tooth structure, but the procedure can be reversed later as it does not permanently impact the tooth itself. This is highly beneficial for many of our patients who may be unsure as to whether or not they want to make permanent changes to their natural teeth for porcelain veneers.

Drs. Chi Fu and Kay Oen of Chester Hill Dental Associates, PLLC offer services to patients in and around the area of Westchester, Rye Brook, Port Chester, Greenwich, and Rye, NY. Contact their team today to schedule a consultation appointment and speak to a cosmetic dentist with knowledge of the many ways in which Lumineers and porcelain veneers can be used to enhance the smile. Call (914) 939-2132 or visit in person at 150 Purchase Street, Suite 1 in Rye, NY.

October 13, 2016
8 yearsago

Discover Answers to Your Coverage Questions

Insurance can have a lot of moving parts to keep track of, understand, and use to your advantage. Luckily for you, to help explain and get the most of your coverage, your Rye NY dentist Dr. Fu has staff members specially trained in the art of “decoding” dental insurance for you. You can always reach out to our office before your next appointment to review the ins and outs of your plan, but in the event you wanted to check out some of that information on your own at home, below are some definitions and tips that may be of help.

The Terms to Know

  • Deductible:

    the amount you first must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance company will start to cover the cost of treatment.

  • Co-Pay:

    a fixed amount you must pay for a service or appointment. Your provider will set this amount for you before purchasing your plan.

  • Co-Insurance:

    a plan where you pay only certain percentages of the cost of a service.

  • Annual Maximum:

    the highest possible amount an insurance company will pay for services within a specific time frame, typically within a calendar year.

Tips to Get the Most of Your Plan

Make sure to review what your dental insurance will cover and make the most of it! A majority of plans will cover your twice-yearly recommended dental cleanings and exams, so make sure to schedule those visits with us! These cleanings can help save you from more substantial dental issues which can result in loss of money, time, and cause discomfort.

While taking full advantage of your plan, it is also important to track what you have used responsibly. Going over your maximum coverage can result in paying out of pocket, which can be both costly and inconvenient.

For more information on how your Rye NY dentist can help you maximize your dental benefits- give us a call today at (914) 939-2132.


Are you looking for a Rye NY Dentist? Visit Chester Hill Dentistry in Portchester, Westchester NY with Dr. Chi Fu today! Serving the areas of Port Chester NY, Rye Brook NY, Greenwich CT and beyond!