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Category: Blog

December 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Dentist in Greenwich CT On Preventing Plaque’s Peril

Plaque is both the enemy of your amazing smile, and of your dentist in Greenwich CT.

Plaque builds up on the teeth after eating or drinking and doesn’t go away unless it is removed with your brush or with floss. Left untreated, the bacteria in plaque can release acids that eat away at the teeth- causing decay, or cavities. If plaque builds up along the gum line, it can cause your gums to bleed, inflame and for gum disease to set in. If gum disease isn’t treated then, other whole-body-health issues like heart disease and diabetes have been known to be a correlation.

It seems like an overwhelmingly big chain of reactions- but it all starts with the plaque. So what can you do besides see your dentist in Greenwich CT to help take care of your teeth? We will give you a hint- it heavily relies upon watching your diet and maintaining a consistent oral health routine.

For a full list of steps, you can follow to defeat and prevent plaque, you can Click Here.

For more information on the important of plaque prevention, or to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Greenwich CT- call our office today at (914) 939-2132.

December 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Westchester NY Dentist Explains Why Diet Sodas Aren’t the Best Substitute

With countless kinds of dietary options, there are people around the world who want to improve their overall health. While there are many options for people to change up their personal diet, the way their teeth are treated aren’t usually considered. Your Westchester NY dentist wants to make sure patients know how important taking care of your smile is and why watching your diet is necessary.

When it comes to diet soft drinks, there’s certainly a smaller amount of sugar in them, but it doesn’t change the amount of acidity that sodas carry. No matter what kind of soda you drink, you’re still weakening the structure of your teeth, thinning your enamel, which works to protect the dentin.

Learn what diet drinks do that are damaging your teeth, and don’t forget to make an appointment with your Westchester NY dentist by calling our office at (914) 939-2132 today.

November 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Dentist Greenwich CT on Thanksgiving Favorites

There is no time quite like the holidays to bring the family together, enjoy a nice home cooked meal and appreciate the time you get to spend with one another. Thanksgiving is typically considered the “start” of these late-in-the-year gatherings, and should make one reflect and be happy for all they have.

But with so many things to be thankful for, your smile may not always outrank some other options. Coupling this with the potentially massive amounts of food that can be put on your plate, and our oral health can be put by the wayside for a few weeks. With that in mind, today your dentist in Greenwich CT wanted to discuss some of the healthier food options you can choose to show your teeth you are truly thankful for them this holiday season.

Turkey, potatoes and the works can take hours to get ready…so you and your guests always need a little warm up. Why not make that appetizer a veggie tray? Include some of the following options to help your guests not only be “held over” until dinner time but to actually help naturally clean their teeth too:

Carrots, Broccoli Florets, Cherry or Grape Tomatoes, Artichoke Hearts, Cucumber slices, Olives & more.

When it comes to your sweet potatoes, try avoiding the gooey and sugary marshmallow topping. Although it may taste good, the marshmallow can get caught between the teeth and cause decay if not properly removed. If you really need that extra boost of sweet in your sweet, try a little brown sugar or maple syrup instead.

Lastly, who can survive Thanksgiving dinner without cranberry sauce? Yeah, we thought so. Instead of going with the canned version this year, which is very high in sugar content, try making it yourself! You can try out different amounts of sugar or artificial sweeteners in your recipe that often times can come out to be better than the canned stuff anyway. It may be a bit more work, but it will be worth it in the end.

So with all of those great additions to consider, what can we avoid then? Although a plethora of desserts and carbs will be rolling at you- they are going to be the worst items when it comes to your oral health. Most deserts contain gratuitous amounts of sugar, and carbs from bread and other items can break down into sugars as well- both of which can damage and decay your teeth. Try to watch the amount of both of these that you take in to avoid any holiday oral health hazards.

Your dentist in Greenwich CT hopes you have a Happy Thanksgiving! If you have any questions about this topic or need to schedule an appointment, feel free to call our office at (914) 939-2132.

November 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Make Sure You’re Saving Your Smile at All Times with Tips from Your Westchester NY Dentist

There’s a lot of activity going on in your mouth throughout the day, which is something that patients don’t think about too extensively. Brushing your teeth is one of the most important daily routines that should be followed, but a large majority of patients don’t do so! In fact, half of US citizens don’t brush their teeth at night, which is something that your Westchester NY dentist hopes to change!

When you’re sleeping, you don’t swallow and the bacteria from the foods and drinks you consumed throughout the day are lingering in your mouth and on your teeth. During the day, saliva helps fight these bacteria, but if you’re not working to protect your smile by brushing and flossing in the morning and at night, you’re much more likely to suffer from cavities, tooth decay, and other dental issues.

Here are some tips in order to protect your teeth from nighttime oral problems!

November 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Save More than a Good Night’s Sleep with Your Westchester NY Dentist

Snoring is an extremely common issue, although it’s certainly one of the most annoying! Hundreds of patients complain about their partners snoring so loudly during the night that they’re unable to sleep, but never take the situation seriously further than a simple annoyance. Unfortunately, all of these people who are plagued with snores can be suffering from sleep apnea, a problem that can become worse if ignored. Your Westchester NY dentist explains the importance of addressing sleep apnea and what the next steps are.

The definition of apnea is when a sleeping person stops breathing for 10 or more seconds. Obstructive sleep apnea is a lack of proper breaths during sleep, reducing the airflow through their throat and nose, causing the patient to either move into a lighter stage of sleep or wake up completely. This can cause the patient to become stressed, moody and exhausted during the daytime because of their lack of sleep. Even if they don’t completely wake up, they’re not in a deep enough sleep to energize their body, so they’re still tired when they wake up, no matter how long they were “asleep.”

If this goes untreated for long periods of time, crankiness and exhaustion aren’t the only problems that arise. Patients with obstructive sleep apnea are also at risk of high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks. Worst case scenario, OSA can even lead to a premature death.

Thankfully, there are some solutions to treating sleep apnea. There is a nasal mask (CPAP) that works to keep your nasal passages open while you’re sleeping. Although many patients may not think to go to their dentist to treat sleep apnea, there are oral appliances that they can receive that will reposition the tongue or lower jawbone, lowering the chances of any obstruction.

If you believe you’re suffering from sleep apnea, contact your Westchester NY dentist to discuss this issue further. Call our office at (914) 939-2132 or click here to request an appointment or consultation online.

October 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Dentist in Greenwich CT with Sweet(s) Advice

Since Halloween is right around the corner, children and adults alike will feel obliged to indulge in candy a little more than usual. It’s tradition, right? Unfortunately, eating a large amount of candy in this short amount of time can hurt your teeth more severely than you know! In order to protect your smile, today your Dentist in Greenwich CT will be discussing what all of these candies can do to your teeth and how to avoid harming them.

Because the consumption of candy is tenfold on Halloween, teeth are more vulnerable than ever. This time of year, parents are less strict on their children to let them enjoy this spooky, fun holiday, but having some restriction is important. It’s no secret that sugar is known to cause cavities, where much of the problems begin in children dental issues. When children (and adults) consume sugar, the sugar is turned into bacteria and lives in the crevices and spaces between your teeth. If it’s left there without being properly cleaned, no matter how long, your teeth are consistently being harmed.

Cavities are small holes in your teeth created by acid erosions from bacteria lingering. The surface of your teeth, called your enamel, works to protect the center of your teeth, called the dentin. When your enamel is being worn down and damaged is when the risks of tooth decay increases. Of course, parents don’t wish to “ruin” their children’s Halloween night, a beneficial fact that parents can hold onto is that there are some candies that are better than others!

Although there is no candy that’s necessarily good for your oral health, chocolate candy and candies much like it easily dissolve in the mouth. These candies are more likely to be washed away by saliva or rinsing your mouth out with water. When you eat or allow your children to eat chewy, sticky candies, these are more likely to get stuck in between and on your teeth, lingering and causing a higher chance of cavities and tooth decay.

Here are some small, helpful tips to prevent damage to your teeth:

Although tempting, eat small amounts of candies and make sure to rinse your mouth out with water after eating. This lowers the acidity levels of the candy and helps protect your teeth a little bit more.
Eat candies that will dissolve in your mouth instead of eating chewy, sticky, or sour candies that will stick around longer.
And, as always, brush your teeth an hour after you’ve eaten and you’ll be able to continue protecting your teeth, just like any other day!

Don’t let Halloween be an excuse to harm your smile. Contact your Dentist in Greenwich CT for your bi-annual check-up appointment by calling (914) 939-2132 today!

September 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Westchester NY Dentist Provides Reasons Why Parents Should Encourage Kids to Enjoy the Dentist

Recently, there have been more and more stories about how young children are suffering from cavities and tooth decay. This is something that all parents should take seriously because if your children’s baby teeth are damaged, it sets a precedent for their permanent teeth to follow. Your Westchester NY dentist wants to stress the importance of children’s dentistry and why each child should be taught the proper way to take care of their teeth.

Children’s dental care should begin when their first tooth comes in! This is around the time you should bring your child into the dentist’s office. Not only are you establishing a relationship between your child and their dentist, but you’re teaching them that this relationship is important, too!

When it comes to your child’s appointment, this is the time to sit back and let your dentist do the talking. Many children are afraid of their dentist because, by the time that they meet, they’re old enough to be uncomfortable around many strangers that aren’t their parents. Establishing this relationship and allowing your child to be comfortable around your dentist is going to be extremely beneficial in the long run!

Going to the dentist is only half of the battle! Helping your children understand the importance of cleaning their teeth at home is a majority of dental care. It’s said that children don’t have the motor skills to properly clean their own teeth until they’re able to tie their own shoes. No matter how much your children beg to skip one night of brushing, don’t let up! Teach them what can happen if they don’t brush and floss.

If you’re interested in learning more about the importance of children’s dentistry, contact your Westchester NY dentist by calling our office at (914) 939-2132 or by clicking here to request an appointment or consultation.

September 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Cosmetic Dentist in Westchester NY on Definition

As the top cosmetic dentist in Westchester NY, Dr. Fu is often answering questions from curious patients about what sets cosmetic dentistry apart…what makes it so popular. So in order to help explain what he has dedicated his life to so diligently, today Dr. Fu is here to explain all about the practice, the art of cosmetic dentistry!

To begin, we must first understand what cosmetic dentistry is at the base level.

Compared to general dentistry, which deals more in function and health of the teeth, cosmetic dentistry will deal more with issues of appearance or aesthetic. Your cosmetic dentist in Westchester NY will utilize procedures such as veneers, dental bridges, teeth whitening and more to help a patient achieve a smile that is visually stunning.

Now, that is not to say that sometimes there will not be an overlap in general and cosmetic concerns.

For example, Dr. Fu may place a dental bridge to help the appearance of the teeth. But by closing that gap, one may also see functional benefits- such as improved bite and speech.

As a doctor, first and foremost, we will not attempt to perform any cosmetic procedure if it is deemed too risky or if it could mean functional damage to other teeth. Other “general” or “advanced” dentistry steps may be taken beforehand in preparation to make the cosmetic procedure successful.

So why would a dentist choose to practice cosmetic dentistry?

Besides the growing popularity and demand for cosmetic dental options of all types, Dr. Fu, your top cosmetic dentist in Westchester NY truly believes in the power of the patient’s smile. By helping the patient achieve a smile they are visually satisfied with, he can instill so many positive feelings into that patient that you can’t even put a price tag on it. He believes if you can mend the outside you can improve the inside, and that is what matters most.

If you are interested in finding out what other cosmetic dental services we offer in our Westchester NY office and how they could be beneficial to you, please feel free to call our office today at (914) 939-2132.

September 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Westchester NY Dentist Shows how Your Oral Health and Physical Health are Related

The reason that many patients don’t take their dental health very seriously is because they don’t believe it’s as important as the rest of their health. They also think that simply brushing their teeth will do the trick to making sure that their teeth are in tip-top shape, but there’s much more to it than that! Thankfully, your Westchester NY dentist is here to explain to you why your oral health is just as important as your overall health.

When you eat something that contains a large amount of sugar, this is broken down into bacteria that’s likely to stick onto your teeth. If you’re not properly brushing and flossing your teeth every morning and night, you’re allowing this bacteria to linger and cause dental issues like cavities and eventual tooth decay. Letting this get out of hand over time can cause tooth loss, leaving this space open and vulnerable.

When you’re missing a tooth or multiple teeth, that area is much more sensitive than before. Your gums have a direct connection to your bloodstream, so if an infection is around, it can quickly get into your bloodstream. Inflammation in your gums is uncomfortable, painful and is known to connect to the possibility of heart problems while also affecting your overall health in general.

This inflammation is usually known as periodontitis or gum disease. If caught in its early stages of gingivitis, it can be professionally cleaned by a dentist in order to prevent it. If it progresses, gum disease will occur, which cannot be reversed. This causes your gums to pull away from your teeth, allowing your teeth to become loose and possibility fall out because their support system has weakened or completely disappeared.

Besides heart issues, another health problem can be affected by your oral care—diabetes. If you have diabetes, you’re more likely to have gum disease than someone who doesn’t because the inflammation in the gums weakens the body’s ability to process and break down sugar. The lack of insulin allows the sugar to further work against your oral and overall health.

If you want to learn more about how your body and oral health are affected, contact your Westchester NY dentist by calling our office at (914) 939-2132 or clicking here to request an appointment online.

September 13, 2015
9 yearsago

Dentist in Greenwich CT With On-The-Go Tips

Your dentist in Greenwich CT could never stress the importance of a daily oral health regimen enough. Not only brushing twice and flossing once daily but paying attention to what you eat and drink are also important steps to consider for maintaining an amazing mouth.

But in today’s “on-the-go” culture, we may not always be home to have access to the proper tools or decent foods that our teeth need. With that in mind, today we will be reviewing some mobile mouth-care tips that you can utilize during your busiest of days.

First, diet on the go can often be a tough thing to tackle. Instead of grabbing some snack wrapped up in a foil bag, like chips or candy, try to get your hands on some fresh veggies or fruits instead. These items can not only help in protecting the enamel of the teeth with nutrients and vitamins, but more fiber-rich ones (broccoli, celery) can even help remove surface stains as well!

For a beverage, try to not live out of the soda vending machine in-between stops. We suggest getting a reusable water bottle and filling it up as much as possible. You can be saving the environment by not throwing away hundreds of plastic containers, but also can be saving your mouth too. See a boost in saliva production, which is essential to the mouth, as well as mimicking saliva’s effects- all by staying properly hydrated.

Last, but not least, what about all of those little “travel size” dental goodies you can get? Try throwing a miniature toothbrush, a tube of paste or some disposable flossers in your glove compartment, bag or suitcase when headed out the door. Not only do they not take up lots of real estate, but they can be just as efficient as your at-home set and their usage should not be missed if at all possible.

In between all of your mobile madness, don’t forget to still make AT LEAST twice-yearly appointments with your dentist in Greenwich CT! You can do so by calling us at (914) 939-2132 today!


Are you looking for a Rye NY Dentist? Visit Chester Hill Dentistry in Portchester, Westchester NY with Dr. Chi Fu today! Serving the areas of Port Chester NY, Rye Brook NY, Greenwich CT and beyond!