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RYE, NY 10580

 • Chester Hill Dentistry • 

June 13, 2015
10 yearsago

Get the Right White Smile from Your Cosmetic Dentist Westchester NY Location

Though people wish for whiter teeth, they believe that making an appointment is inconvenient. That’s why over-the-counter teeth whitening kits are now available—people can wear the strips on the go. Unfortunately, these kits don’t always provide what they may promise, leaving people with unsatisfied whitening and a hole in their pocket. This is why you should visit Dr. Fu at your Cosmetic Dentist Westchester NY location so he can get it done the right way!

Cosmetic dentistry like teeth whitening is relatively new, but when it was first introduced by dentists, it was made to only be performed by dentists. Some of these kits that patients can buy in the store or online aren’t always safe. They can have harmful ingredients that can damage the gums and tooth enamel. Patients don’t know the proper products for these whitening kits. If patients do choose to invest in these at home kits, dentists want them to do their research and ask questions.

Another fact to know about DIY teeth whitening is that they are certainly not cheap. They give you a certain amount of strips that have to be used day and night, and if you want to continue to keep your teeth white, you must continue buying new kits. These kits can be up to $60, but patients can invest much more into this process. Even though these are pricey, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll work better than the generic brand ones. The point of these over-the-counter kits is to be expensive, but not enough that you would choose to go to a cosmetic dentist instead of grabbing these while you’re already at the store at your convenience.

Dr. Fu is able to professionally whiten your teeth with the correct products and provide you with a smile that fits your looks and personality. If you have any other questions or concerns about teeth whitening, call this number (914) 939-2132 to contact your Cosmetic Dentist Westchester NY location.


Are you looking for a Rye NY Dentist? Visit Chester Hill Dentistry in Portchester, Westchester NY with Dr. Chi Fu today! Serving the areas of Port Chester NY, Rye Brook NY, Greenwich CT and beyond!