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 • Chester Hill Dentistry • 

June 13, 2015
10 yearsago

Dentist Greenwich CT says Leave it to the Professionals

With the popularity and growth of a technology can come certain individuals who use these tools for a less “admirable” means than others. What we are referring to specifically is online DIY (do-it-yourself) videos, growing every day in popularity and helping millions worldwide, but also capable of spreading some dangerous sights and ideas. Your dentist in Greenwich CT has heard, and seen some videos online that deal with DIY dental care, and wishes today to discuss the adverse effects some of these practices can have.

A majority of these videos online deal with users putting their tooth that fell out back in with glue, repairing a chipped tooth with some substance or even using rubber bands as a form of braces. Some even get so brazen as to try and fix their dental appliances (dentures, bridges) by themselves as well. The long story short is that many of these “fixes,” while they may work in the short-term, can ultimately cause more damage in the long run.

As a result, DIY orthodontics users have had teeth fall out, revert to their previous state or get worse…and using glues or non-medically approved adherents has led to poisoning, extractions, and more negative outcomes as well.

To put this issue into perspective a bit more, just think quickly about the following:

Dental professionals, including your dentist in Greenwich CT, go to an extra four years of school past their college education, and even more to become a specialist in an area. This means that not only do most dentists you see in your lifetime have some 8-10 years of post-high school education in a specific area, but they also utilize techniques that are approved and practiced across the world, and have been for (in some cases) hundreds of years.

And although it is assumed most patients will turn to these DIY trends because of financial or dental fear reasons, our office has ways to help you overcome both. Trust in your dentist to give you the best in dental care, not some YouTube user with an account name like “HuggiePanda6”.

To schedule an appointment with your dentist in Greenwich CT, please call our office today at (914) 939-2132.


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